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Visiting Paris


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Hello riders, first and foremost I'm glad to see that you have such an active community. Congrats!
I live in Athens and I'm traveling to Paris later this month. It'd be fantastic to be able to explore Paris on a euc. We all know though that eucs are not allowed on airplanes. So I was thinking of other options. The most obvious one is renting one. So far I'm left with the impression that there are no stores to rent EUC in Paris. If I'm wrong please someone can correct me. Another option would be the generous act of someone providing me his spare unicycle. Of course It doesn't have to be an one way act. I'm willing to provide the person an euc if he/she ever visits Athens in the near or distant future. I'm an active member of Athens's euc community with a humble of 4000 km riding experience. My accommodation is going to be somewhere close to Neuilly-Plaisance station. I commit to be extra careful and even report every day to the owner.

Whatever the outcome of my idea it was a pleasure to share it with people I share the same passion.

Happy riding!

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