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Messages posté(e)s par Elliott

  1. On 10/31/2022 at 2:19 PM, Boni7league said:

    If you are a handyman find a direct trick for mudguard fasteners / motor cable because it's crap! At the level of the screws it farts like a nothing! I remade some in plexiglass but I forgot to take pictures 🤦🏻 I could not show you suddenly! On the other hand photo of my two fasteners exploded level of the screws and also pay attention to the quality of the screws on mudguard because they fart like nothing! When I dismantle it I will 😉 show you


    Thankfully one side of mine didn't bust off at the lower screw-hole like yours did. With the roller-replacement to the sliders, I put a pair of 5/32" welding rod behind the motor wire to stiffen it. It seems solid and that's important to me because I removed the rest of the fender and kickstand assembly.  I use skateboard wheels on the shock-mount for a kickstand. 


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