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Tout ce qui a été posté par enaon

  1. enaon

    EUC Watch hackable

    thank you for the detailed description, I will look closer.
  2. enaon

    EUC Watch hackable

    success at last I have pushed another update, this time it will update the inmotion dash settings file, Please verify that the button switch is now showing the correct state, and that the state is enforced on connection. It should always turn the light off on "long press disconnect", and set the light to the state of the switch on "long press connect".
  3. enaon

    EUC Watch hackable

    Hello, I believe I fixed the problem, can you please test that lights control and horn is ok? To make it easier, I have moved the inmotion version one up, so you can connect to the testing loader, and in the tab "my apps" it will say that there is a new update, this will only reinstall the inmotion module file.
  4. enaon

    EUC Watch hackable

    thank you too, now we can solve the bugs you will find
  5. enaon

    EUC Watch hackable

    press the airplane icon (this is the Bluetooth icon when all services are off). Inside there will be a >. icon (this is the ide/loader icon), make it blue, and then press the "restart"(this will also save your settings) button on your second picture, From there on the loader will work. yes, restart is that fast, we are on a microprocessor. ps. the icon in the midlle(the arrow and the dot) is the turn-to-wake-screen accelerator function. It consumes some battery, so you can have it off to maximize standby battery life. It will automatically turn on when you connect to the EUC, and will revert to the state of this switch when the connection to the EUC is closed, so you do not have to enable/disable it manually.
  6. enaon

    EUC Watch hackable

    one more info, this number on the clock face, is the total distance af all garage slots on the watch added (each slot has it's own logs), so the name could be Techos78 instead of eucWatch. you can change it if you like from the loader, there is a "change settings" button there. You can also add your total distance up to now if you know it, and it will add it too. Remember to press the disconnect button when finished on the site, it will automatically restart the watch for you. The testing loader is improved, it takes the watch to devmode automatically to make sure no comms are lost due to memory, and restarts the watch when disconnect is pressed.
  7. enaon

    EUC Watch hackable

    It is somewhat the same number, just a round up to closer value because some fields have room for decimals and some do not. I will fine tune it a bit more. correct, it is gray because your battery is under 50%, blue over 50, red if under the number you set on the "watch alerts" for battery low. you can also press on "day" (which is not really day, it is the last 24 hours, this is why it is a bit more, you had a little usage yesterday) and it will display week and year. you can go to setting from the clock face, press the "i" button on the bottom center, and then press the 24h switch to make it 12h. This will also change the logs format, so it will read "2 and 3 pm"
  8. enaon

    EUC Watch hackable

    maybe you turned off the loader support on the settings? It is the >. icon on bluetooth menu, is should be blue for the loader to work. A restart is also needed after you make it blue.
  9. enaon

    EUC Watch hackable

    thanks for the info. so this is a gotway tesla V2, with a watch of type? and testing loader? It looks like you are still on standard loader, testing one has the mph/kph on a menu, and some fixes for gotways random numbers. It is the one that is actually developed, the standard one is just an old snapshot that will be replaced soon with a newer snapshot, but till then you can test if you like. the dash options menu, mph/kph etc, are in the info button on settings, when settings are called from a dash app
  10. enaon

    EUC Watch hackable

    In ancient Egypt, bearers of bad news were often executed ... please be understanding 🙂 thank you for testing, I will have a closer look.
  11. enaon

    EUC Watch hackable

    I have added horn and lights control for the v11, but it is not verified as working yet. You could be the brave one. 😁
  12. enaon

    EUC Watch hackable

    Is the odd values issue on a gotway? Gotway does that if the bt signal is not good, Inmotion does it sometimes too, but is rare on inmotion. It is not happening at all on ks, ninebot or the sherman. my post above was about the kingsong safety alarm (tiltback warning), only ks has this one for now, and it cannot be disabled on the watch, it is always on. But as Skilr18 and others have noticed it was not fine tuned for riding at the limits on a full battery, which is considered safe on a ks. So this change now makes the tilt-back warning alarm more useful I think.
  13. enaon

    EUC Watch hackable

    I have given this some more thought, and a fellow rider offered a better solution. up to now it was like so: euc.dash.alrm=( euc.dash.spdL-5 < euc.dash.spd)?1:0; so the alarm was "on" if the current speed was 5 khm close to the automatic Limit-speed. it is now changed to this: euc.dash.alrm=(euc.dash.spdL < euc.dash.spdT && euc.dash.spdL-5 < euc.dash.spd)?1:0; so an extra check is made, now it checks that the limit speed if actually lower than the tilt-back speed, and if so, it checks that against the current speed. This ensures that when on full battery, you will not get alarms if cruising at full speed, the tilt-back is gradual and is ok. But when on lower battery or uphill, in a situation where the limit speed is auto set by the wheel lower that the tilt-back speed you have set at the wheel menu, then it will buzz an alarm to inform you that a tilt-back is next. Please upload again if you want to test.
  14. enaon

    EUC Watch hackable

    If you don't want the light to be on when connecting, just turn it off from the switch on the watch, it will remember it. Or set it to auto, this is what ks does. Wheels do not sync lights state, and I want the state to apply the horn and the "city" mode on ks, so the state of the switch is enforced on connection. use this loader if you like to report bugs, the standard one is very old, I cannot really remember if something is already fixed or not. there is also a telegram group for bugs reporting if one cares to help, look for " eucWatch testing"
  15. enaon

    EUC Watch hackable

    Is it a kingsong wheel? If so, and if you are sure the speed alarm is disabled (gray color) then it is the "speed limit" that is buzzing, you cannot disable it. Kingsong has a dynamic limit speed, the number is showing left of the current speed, in a block called "limit". If you are within 5km/h from limit speed, regardless if current speed went up or limit speed went down, you will receive an alarm.
  16. enaon

    EUC Watch hackable

    nice it worked fine, are you on the standard or the testing loader?
  17. enaon

    EUC Watch hackable

    I will add it yes, in the meantime try a full update from testing, I think that I do not turn them on now.
  18. enaon

    EUC Watch hackable

    I have not yet completed the v11 client, so no horn and no total mileage yet from the wheel, but the distance log should work, so it will be better than it is now. you can use the ( set time ) button from the loader at any time, it will sync the time
  19. enaon

    EUC Watch hackable

    hello again, I have pushed some fixes, and a battery drain on the p22, please install all again from the testing loader. Also, anyone that want to try the new version, please go here and do a full install: the screen and accelerator are now auto recognized, so you will not have to choose them again, it is stable and has some nice features. Still some more testing to do, but the more that use it, the easier it is to find bugs sherman and nibebot s2 are fully supported on testing version. the accelerator is way better, no need for screen allways on anymore, it will turn on the screen regardless of the way it stands on the hand (left hand only) botton,up or side of the hand will make no difference ,if the rider can see the watch, it will be on.
  20. enaon

    EUC Watch hackable

    I am starting to agree with this statement I am currently playing with the sherman, I found a register that looks interesting, it responds to what looks like power, but I am not sure excacltry what it is, and will have to test a lot to find out. I wish for a manual of registers for all wheels. his is a small video with the p22 and the sherman from a German guy that helped troubleshoot p22C touch.
  21. enaon

    EUC Watch hackable

    Nice, d6flasher is an older tool, used for dsd6 band, I think is better to use daflasher, it is the successor of d6flasher, and can be found on the playstore. Also keep in mind that there is no need to build the roms, that is for installing arduino on the watch, I use espruino on the eucwatch project, and the rom images of Fanoush.
  22. enaon

    EUC Watch hackable

    Very nice, There is still an issue with long press, you have to relase you finger to register it, and it doenn't work at the bottom of the screen, but I will try to fix it too. Thank you for your kind words and the offer, I will soon upload some work for all to try, and help with a manual will be great.
  23. enaon

    EUC Watch hackable

    Hello. Can you please connect here, and do a full install from the installer tab, select the 816 touch option, and let me know if it works?
  24. enaon

    EUC Watch hackable

    a small video of the distance logger
  25. enaon

    EUC Watch hackable

    I am allmost there, in the meantime I just realized that you could use it anyway if you like. You could connect using the ide and on the left hand side, the black field, paste this line and press enter: It will scan for a kingsong wheel and select the first one, from there on you could just use the side button to enable /disable the connection.
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